Hi I am about to pick courses for first year life science. I will be taking bio120 , chm 138, mat135 a first year seminar, and I would like to take eco105. How difficult is Eco105? What are the chances it will affect my gpa?
Sadly, I am but a student and have not sampled every possible course that exists.
How difficult is ECO105Y?
Waaaah I hate those kinds of questions. “Difficulty” is just so subjective. I’m going to go with “damn difficult” because it’s economics so yes. But check out the anti-calendar to see what past students thought of their past lectures. Apparently in 2011-2012, the difficulty was more or less average, but the retake rate is a lovely 47%.
As for your GPA… well, every course affects your GPA. Duuuuh.
My own 2 cents:
I tend to judge the difficulty of a course I’m thinking of enrolling in by looking through past-year final exams which are always publicly available.
Even if you don’t know anything about the material, it’s generally quite easy to tell from the wording whether a question is “spit out memorized facts” or “plug in an equation” or “really think long and hard and pray to Cthulhu” or “make an argument and hope the TA agrees with you”.
Masked Advisor
Judge the difficulty of the course by 1) Anti-Calendar, 2) the class average (available at ASSU), 3) Forum reviews, 4) Difficulty of the professor’s other classes (sometimes there’s a trend), and 5) Marking scheme (written-answers and subjective essays are more difficult to score full points on). Your interest in the course material is also important.