I’m coming to UofT in September as a first year student… where can I get a
fake id? Asking older students to buy me alcohol just sucks. 🙁
at least you’re being honest. but i have to be honest too; this site is a university of toronto website. though we’re happy giving the kinds of answers that no one else will give, the law is pretty clear on the whole no-drinking while underage thing, and we’re not able to instruct students on how to break the law. personally, aska never needed a fake id: older siblings and their g1’s are the best thing ever. fake id’s are ridiculous anyways; international student id cards won’t get you anywhere, neither will getting an imitation of an out of province or international driver’s license. you think the bouncers at that lousy club haven’t had underage kids trying to get in? no, the real trick is finding places that will never card…west side is the best side, youngster. that, and the next time you’re at certain chinese food restaurants late at night, try sampling the ‘cold tea’.
I was getting pretty edgy reading this. If I say I?m disagreeing with your post I would say nothing. Reading this is meaningless waste of time.
They swipe ids now, so really just go ask an older student