courses,  easy,  english

i’d take ‘ninj304: getting repeatedly punched in the face by Meg White’…so worth it

hey askastudent! As a confused new kid here, I am trying to plan my timetable
for the first year of university. So far, I have planned 3 full year courses,
and I would like to plug in some easy half credit courses. Is ENG100H1
(effective writing) an easy course? The description sounds helpful towards my
future writing. Or,do you have any suggestions for easy half credit courses?
Thanks a lot, love this site!!

why would they make a course for effective writing when anyone can make their writing effective by

  • putting in stuff about monkeys, like driving cars and working as firefighters and stuff
  • write like you’re writing about an awesome action movie. write things like ‘slow motion happens’ and ‘the camera swoops around him’
  • put a reflective piece of glass after your first page. the reader will see themselves and become more connected to your writing

if you want to take the class, i have heard it’s pretty easy, but not particularly stimulating. the english class literature for our time might be a bit more challenging, if only because the material is that much more deep. and the prof, Nick Mount, is one of those professors who everyone loves and motivates students to get into it and succeed. as for easy half credit courses: not that many first year courses are half courses. depending on what you’re like, you might enjoy either of the architecture half courses (ARC131H1 and 132H1), astronomy (AST101H1) , visual strategies (VIS130H1: involves making art in a studio), you get the idea. distinguish between easy and sketchy.  and don’t take any classes at the supersecret faculty of ninjitsu: they use students who accidentally register for ninja star throwing target practice.


  • Bob

    this is the coolest place ever! After visiting all kinds of sites, I figured out that this one is the most interesting

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