
but can your supergenius powers make me a delicious pasta sauce?

I just wonder do I have to apply again to receive my renewable entrance
scholarship that I got in my first year. In the admission letter they said
something about keeping an average of 70 to renew scholarship in second year.
My GPA for first year is 3.88, so do I automatically get the scholarship?

some entrance scholarships are renewable, others are one time only.  from the admission letter, it sounds like you have the kind that keeps on giving, and with such a high GPA, there might be even more funds available if you go lookin.  if you have the admission letter, consult it to see if there is information about renewing your scholarship.  otherwise, contact your college registrar.  and see if they can include a fruit basket with your scholarship, just because you deserve it



  • ali bama

    what courses did you take in first year to get such a high GPA?

    More importantly, did you sacrifice social time?

  • Gloria

    I personally would think that someone with a GPA of 3.88 could figure out on their own that they have far more than a 70 average. “Renewable scholarship” is pretty straightforward, yeah?

  • Coopz

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