admissions,  subject POST

helpin’ a wee one through the labyrinth of subject POSts

Hi Aska,

I’m having a bit of issue here and I was hoping u could help?

I recently got accepted to life scienece program in UT, as well as commerce?in UTM. (Since I can’t decide between psych. and marketing so I thought I?apply for both)

Anyway, I was told that you have to do bio, chem and all that as a life?science student, but I didn’t do any of those in yr 11/12, and I’m much more?interested in social science. I applied for? L.S just for psychology and?now I’m worried that it might leads to a dead end.? Since there’s no way I?can handel bio/chem at university level.

So my question is, as a life science student,? will I be able to choose any?art&science course I want in UT, and after 1st yr? apply for any major?
(What about rotman?)?Or am I stuck with life science if I choose st george campus? (In which?case I will have to choose UTM)

I hope you get what I’m saying. lol. and many thanks.


hey there,

alrighty, there seem to be a lot of questions here, so fair warning: this question might run a bit long. i’m SORRY. i can’t help how USEFUL and KNOWLEDGEABLE i am.

first thing: let’s examine how much chem and bio you actually have to do for uoft psych, ’cause there’s a reason it’s called “Life Sciences & Psychology,” and that is that the program is a little different from the rest of life science. so, i’m going to be looking at the courses you have to take for the psychology specialist – all that ‘specialist’ means is that you don’t have to take on another program. if you were to do the psychology major, for example, you’d have to take on another major or two minors on top of that according to uoft’s rules?(go to (b) under ‘General Degree Requirements’).

so, for the specialist, all the requirements are ‘PSY’ courses. i don’t see any bio or chem courses. one thing you should take note of though is that the psychology programs at uoft do involve a fair bit of math. in order to get into the program, you have to have completed grade 12 calculus. once you’re in the program, you’ll also have to do a little bit of math in the form of PSY201H1 and PSY201H2, or Statistics I and Statistics II.

now, just because you’re not compelled to take any courses that start with ‘BIO’ or ‘CHM,’ doesn’t mean that there won’t be some biology involved in your study of psychology. some courses will touch on anatomical and biological aspects of the brain, like this one, for example. but by and large, this program seems to focus on a social science approach to psychology.

my advice would be to take a look at the PSY courses offered in 2nd, 3rd and 4th years and see how interested you are in them. also, you’ll have to take PSY100H1 in first year in order to apply to the psychology specialist, major or minor, so use that course to gauge how interested you are in the subject. if, by the end of first year, it turns out you don’t like psych as much as you thought, you can always apply for a different subject POSt (that is, program of study, i.e. a combination of specialist/majors/minors).

the fact that you’re a life science student in first year doesn’t really mean anything – you can apply for any subject POSt in the faculty of arts & science, provided you’ve completed the prerequisites, at the end of first year, in april. that’s why i’d advise you take a look at some other programs you might be interested in now, ?so that in first year, you can complete prerequisites (if there are any) for some other programs you might be interested in applying for. first year is a time for exploration, especially at uoft, so take advantage of it!

as for rotman, you can apply after first year, but it’s very competitive – most people in rotman apply from high school and enter the program in first year. if you want to try to apply to rotman after first year, you’ll need to have completed RSM100Y1, ECO100Y1 and MAT133Y1 in first year.

if you’re considering commerce at utm, i’d advise you also take a look at some of the courses you’ll be taking?throughout your four years of the program, so you can be more informed when you make your decision.

alright, so i think i’ve covered all your questions – i told you it’d be long – but if you’re unsure about anything else, just e-mail me right on back. cool? have a swagtacular day.



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