

Hi! I have just finished my first year, and is attending the UTM campus. I want to transfer to UTSG seeing as how I live closer now. Problem is, I flunked one of my courses (Intro Physics) in the first semester, seeing as how I cannot transfer to UTSG with the current state of affairs, I decided that I should apply for the transfer next year after I retake it and gloriously pass it, instead. Oh, also, I LWD-ed a course, how will that affect my chances? It’s a shame, but I only have a cGPA of 2.8 right now, I hope to bring it up to a 3.0 in the next year. 🙁
The program that I want to apply to in UTSG is a Type 1 program and has unlimited enrollments, any thoughts whether that would make it easier for me to transfer? I have also heard that it’s easier for a UofT student to transfer between campuses than a student transferring in from another university.
Much thanks, more power and all that! 😀


hey there,

well, there’s a difference between being accepted to the school?and being accepted into a program. let’s tackle getting into the school first.?under the “Transferring from another UofT Faculty or Campus” heading on the uoft, they just say “[a]dmission consideration is based on your CGPA and most recent annual GPA.

that’s a bit?vague, so there’s really no way to tell exactly where your marks have to be in order to transfer from UTM. however, as i’ve said before (and will keep saying as long as you guys keep asking this diddly-darn question), you can call admissions?and ask them the general grade range that’s typically acceptable, and they’ll have much more specific information than i do. you can also ask them about finicky details like LWDs and failed courses, and how that’s likely to affect your application. ’cause i just don’t know those details. but hey, that’s why admissions is there. it’s kind of their job to know that stuff – so take advantage of it!

plus, it makes sense to ask the people who will have your application about your application, doesn’t it?*

as to getting into the program, if it is a type 1, then it will be easier for you to enrol in it. however, acceptance into the program only happens if and when you are accepted into the school. POSts can always be changed around once you’re on campus, but you can’t do anything if you’ve not been accepted into the university, so try and focus on that if you can.

i hope that was somewhat helpful. transferring is never easy, but the harder you work, the better a chance you give yourself.?so you take all that power you just gave me right on back, and channel it into getting onto this rad campus. best of luck!



*geez, aska, say “application” more.

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