Hey I’ve been trying to get into the uoft facebook groups lots of different times but I’m always redirected to the “enter your email and we’ll send a confirmation email” page. All my emails are re routed to this gmail account. I receive emails saying go to my mail.utoronto account to confirm my wanting to join but the inbox is always empty.
Any ideas as to whats going on?
hey there,
as i understand it, you have to join the central uoft facebook group before you can be allowed to join any of the smaller ones that are under its umbrella (like your graduating class group, or specific club pages, etc). that page is here. just enter your utoronto e-mail (make sure you select the right extension, either @mail.utoronto or @utoronto), click ‘Confirm e-mail,’ and then it should send a confirmation to your utoronto inbox.
if you did all that and it’s still not sending, i’d suggest calling central IT at 416-978-0299 and asking them what’s up. i don’t know who exactly runs the facebook group, but if you call them, they can likely direct you to the person who’s behind all these SHENANIGANS.
i hope you are eventually able to join the virtua party on facebook, full of people desperately trying to unload last year’s textbooks and complaining about the distance between two of their classes.
no really, this messing around with e-mail and tech support will eventually be worth it – just don’t go on facebook during class. i’ll come over to wherever your lecture is and swat you over the head with a newspaper if you do. trust.
have a happy Monday!