choosing,  english,  humanities

How ?bout teaching art history? in English?

I am about to go into first year and at first was excited about going to UofT, but now…I’m not so sure. I’m going into English and Art History, but more and more I keep on thinking that I’m going to just end up waisting four years on something that will in the end be entirely useless! I’m not a brain, I can’t do math or science for shit. What the hell can I do with a BA in Art History and English?
Please, don’t suggest teaching, I hate children.




I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate prospective students like yourself? ?so focused, so very on top of all your likes and dislikes. Also, it?s awesome that you took time to conduct thorough research about the programs UofT offers, and that you figured out that UofT only offers English, Art History Math and Science!

Way to go, sport!


So I won?t suggest teaching, as you made it clear that?s not your thing. But I wasn?t gonna suggest that anyhow? because what in the devil?s name do I know about your interests?? An undergraduate degree from UofT won?t promise you a career in itself. That?s where you come in. And you need to figure it out, sista!


What I can suggest is going over the Calendar and looking at the bazillion programs offered at UofT. Maybe there?s more to life than English and Art History? Maybe you can combine one of those subjects, or both of them, with another, more ?practical? program of study (English and art as minors and another major, for example)? There are tonnes of possible combinations, and even more opportunities to pursue your intellectual passions, and maintain your career prospects. Plus, the university itself is hustling and bustling with student employment chances that can look nice on your resume and perhaps give you a direction.


Enough already, I?m exhausting myself. It?s all up to you now, kiddo (sorry I didn?t mean to make you sick)

One Comment

  • Gloria

    Yeah, good luck getting any job with just a BA. If you can’t do a degree just because you love it, go to college.

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