frosh,  subject POST

Like a spoonful of cinnamon on the tongue.

i have a question about subject POSts, I have recently enrolled in 4?courses normally on ROSI by just adding them, I am coming to U of T for the first time in september and I recently have seen that there is an option to add programs of study on ROSI and I plan on finishing university with both philosophy and english majors, i have enrolled in?courses that are part of both my majors such as Literature for our Time and Introductory philosophy and all my courses have just been paid for, will I face a problem because I didn’t enroll in a program of study…does it matter or can enroll in them later on…? i mean i’m alreaady taking courses that will count towards the program…? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


P.S I have paid for frosh-week and nobody has contacted me saying that they have recieved the money and my form which was sent via post,I need the furthur information on the event, any idea what is going on and what I can do?




No. No problem. Read this post. First-years don?t enrol in subject POSts. You just take the appropriate pre-reqs to eventually get into them. I dare say you are actually doing things right.??


Ps. Don?t know. Depends on your college. Try contacting your student society/frosh coordinators if you suspect there was a problem in the sending. I imagine it?s still pretty early to have received confirmation. Don?t you think they will send one mass e-mail once they?ve processed all the forms? Be patient child.


Pps. Philosophy + English eh? Consider taking belly-dancing lessons so you don’t dry up into space food?(or Clint Eastwood).??

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