
i am in true pain right now

Hi, i have a question about one of the requirements for completion of my
– Two major programs, which must include at least 12 different courses
Do the 12 courses have to make up the 2 majors
can the course just be ones that CAN be used to make up the major
requirements—as stated by the Degree Navigator:
12 FCEs from “all courses that can be used to meet Major & Minor program
requirements in this Assessment”—
Also, how accurate is the degree navigator and should i trust it?
If you can clear this up for me i’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks

This hasn?t been a very good morning for me.

I admit, I did spend the majority of last night consuming intoxicants, and am sort of regretting it right now. But after three cups of coffee, a dry bagel from the campus store, a small pack of maynards mini fruit gums, three brownies and a litre of water, it seemed as though the cloud in my brain was just about to disperse. But then this question arrived, and here comes my old buddy migraine, trampling my daisies, stomping through the front door and settling right in the middle of my Cereberum.

So yeah, I have no idea what you just asked. But I have a feeling it has something to do with the 12 different courses requirement. And here is my answer:

If you are enrolled in two majors, or a major and two minors, they must include at least 12 distinct courses. Simple as that. But apparently, you require further decipherment of this enigma. So I?ll illustrate.

Herb is enrolled in two majors: biology (which includes 8 full FCE?s) and toxicology (again 8 courses).

In order to graduate, Herb must have at least 12 different courses in those two programs.

That means that even if (hypothetically speaking) Herb completed 8 courses that fulfill the toxicology program, and all of those courses count towards the biology program as well, that wouldn?t be enough. Even though each individual POSt requirement is met,

he would have to take at least 4 more courses that count toward either program, thus completing at least 12 different courses!

If not, Herb will not be able to graduate, and end up getting upset. Like askastudent is right now.

And if that wasn?t comprehensible, I give up. Go talk to your college advisor.

By the way, the degree navigator is inaccurate and you shouldn?t trust it.

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