
work, study, and compliment aska

Dear Askastudent! Thank you very much for answering my question regarding waitlist for priority courses. I have another question that I am hoping you can answer. I am completing a work-study internship this summer. On the U of T Career Centre website, it says: “Students are permitted to accept one Work Study position per program year”. Would I not be able to apply again in 2014/2015? I am unsure when exactly I end my program year. Thanks once again and I truly admire your wittiness 😉


hey there,

no problemo, amigo. glad i could be of help.

you would definitely be able to apply again for Fall/Winter. what that rule is getting at is that you can’t hold more than one work-study position at a time.

their wording is a bit wonky, but since?”[s]tudents are permitted to accept ONE work-study position per program,” and they clearly separate the Fall/Winter and Summer Work-Study programs, you would be able to have one job in Summer, and one in Fall/Winter. or the same job in Summer and Fall/Winter, if they like you enough.

i appreciate your flattery – feel free to keep it coming. (i also accept monetary donations).

hoping you find a rad job,


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