GPA,  grad school,  grades,  hard

operation ‘dunghill’

Say you fuck up majorly in your first two years of university, and do quite well (B+/A average) in your last two years, would grad schools still consider you a worthless pile of crap?

Winged words indeed!

After that kind of elegant phrasing, I feel compelled to provide you with an eloquent and concise response. But alas, the best I can do is “it depends”.

And don’t think that I’m bailing out on this one. It really DOES depend. It depends on how much you’ve been able to improve your GPA (like, what is your actual CGPA right now). It depends on what year you’re currently in and how many courses you have left (which could definitely influence your average). It also depends on where you want to go to grad school. Some grad schools advertise the minimum GPA for admission (sometimes it means that the actual cut-off is higher than that, but again, it depends on the specific program). Others specify other requirements.

The best thing for you to do is to conduct some hardcore research about the program/s you’re interested in. See what they emphasize (GPA? Recommendations? Standardized tests? A writing sample?), what are the minimum requirements etc. etc.

If you feel you won’t make the cut, it may be wise to take an extra semester, with grad-school relevant, GPA boosting courses. And of course, talk to your registrar; they usually have experience with these kinds of things.

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