Hello! So i have a couple questions regarding the Communication, Culture, Information & Technology program.
First of all is there anyway i can get more information on the program from UTM? I wasn’t able to attend the fall information day and I’ve already looked on the website at the program description, but i would like to know a little more about it if possible. So if there’s a number i can call or an email i can contact that would be great! Or if you know anything about the program please further enlighten me on it! I am aware that within the CCIT program there are a multiple interdisciplinary specialist programs, The one i’m interested in is the IDM (Interactive Design Media). On the UTM website it said that i have to apply after my first year of CCIT and that spaces are limited. So my next question is when applying on the ouac website do i just select IDM or select CCIT and then after my first year reapply to IDM? Also, if i do not get accepted into the IDM program after my first year, what happens? Do i continue on doing CCIT as a major? Im just really confused about the admission process. My last question is does the IDM specialization have coop/ internship opportunities?
Sorry about all of these questions! I really hope you can help me out with this because i don’t know where else i can contact for more information about this stuff. Thank you so much!
hey there,
i don’t know much about Communication, Culture, Information & Technology, to be honest with you. i would read the brochure if you haven’t already. also, it’s always interesting to go on a little google odyssey on the professors that teach in your department of interest; their research can tell you a bit about the kinds of things you might be learning.
there’s also this careers by major thing which UTM does that i am super jealous of. also take a look at the websites of the student groups related to CCIT – they’ve got some helpful information on there (also, their websites are beautifully designed. figures). you can even contact the execs of the student groups for advice; i’m sure they’d be more than happy to answer your questions.
otherwise, you can always call the ICCIT directly.
as for admissions: CCIT is an institute – as in, the ‘Institute of Communication, Culture, Information & Technology.’ the institute itself offer a few different programs: the CCIT major, the DEM specialist, or the IDM specialist.
you don’t enrol into specific programs until second year at uoft. when you’re applying out of high school, you just pick a stream. see this? the green headings are streams, the things listed under each heading are programs. your stream would be CCIT, and that’s what you’d pick on OUAC.
again, that doesn’t make you a CCIT major, just a student in the Institute. you pick your program after first year. comprende?
if you’re not accepted into the IDM specialist after first year, then you would enrol in one of your backup programs instead. you need to be in a program after first year to continue taking courses.
and i don’t want to hear any of this nonsense about not having backups. life is gonna throw you some curveballs, y’know; it’s always a good idea to know what you’re going to do when and if they happen. (however, i do think applying to the CCIT major is a pretty good backup).
you can browse every program offered by UTM here.
CCIT is not offered as a co-op program, but there are some 400-level CCIT courses which are either just internships or can incorporate an internship into their structure: take a look at CCT409H5, CCT410H5, CCT411H5 and CCT413H5. also, the career centre, which is available to all uoft students, provides lots of experiential opportunities across all three campuses. also, there’s this. or you can just go door to door and beg to do people’s programming grunt work for free.
and don’t worry that you’re asking too many questions, dude. i’m here all night. i have nobody to go home with and am very lonely, so…yeah. i’m here all night. also they sometimes have free food here.