subject POST,  UTSC

*standing ovation*

Hi, I am a first year student here at UTSC and I have a question. What the hell is a subject POST??!


hey there,

first off, i want to point out how GREAT this question is. it’s to the point, it includes the campus you’re from, AND it has so many question marks and exclamation points that my HEART RATE ACCELERATES just from LOOKING at it.

like, i haven’t even had my coffee yet, and this question has got me moving closer towards cardiac arrest! whoo! what a question to wake up to!

subject POSt stands for ‘subject Program of Study’ and it’s basically just a bunch of courses that make up a program. a POSt can be a specialist, major or minor.

in order to graduate from uoft, you need to complete a certain combination of subject POSts. those combinations are: one specialist, two majors, or one major and two minors. you can get into other wacky combos like a specialist and a minor or two majors and a minor or a specialist and a major, but the first three are kind of the default.

you apply to your POSt(s) after you’ve completed 4.0 credits, which for most people is in the summer after first year (between April and September).

for that reason, it’s a good idea to browse the list of subject POSts before then so that you have some idea what you want to study when it comes time to apply. keep in mind, though, that you can (to a certain extent) change POSts after second year, if you’re unhappy with what you’ve chosen. so don’t FREAK OUT, alright?



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