subject POST


it’s time for subject POSt spotlight NUMERO DUO (go?here to find out what the heck that is)!!! are you excited? i’m excited. i love series. series of any kind are my absolute favourite.

this time, we’ll be talking about vic’s creative expressions & society program, which is really a mouthful, but it’s WORTH IT.

so what is this mouthful of a program??

creative expressions & society is a minor program offered by victoria college that “allows students to develop creative and communicative proficiency by taking part in one or more workshop-style courses in fiction, non-fiction, or poetry writing and/or creative expression through aural and visual media. Students will also explore the reciprocal relationship of the creative arts and society.

some of the courses you might take include photojournalism, creative writing and a critical history of listening.

basically, you get to make?stuff, and you get to study how other people who make?stuff interact with the world. pretty great, huh?

any prereqs for this program?

this is a type 1 POSt, so there are no prerequisites. as long as you’ve completed at least 4.0 FCEs, you can enrol in it.

what kind of a degree do i get with this program?

creative expressions & society is only a minor, so your degree will be determined by your other POSts, and whether they’re arts or science programs. however, creative expressions & society is an arts program.

what jobs/opportunities are available for this program?

like i said, this is just a minor, so this program probably won’t determine your career. however, it could be a nice complement to specialists or majors like english, book and media studies, architecture or visual studies, cinema studies,?history of art, or any other POSt your heart desires.

many creative expressions & society classes focus on an interdisciplinary survey of a certain genre of art, like pop music?(YES, pop music?is totally art), holography?or the body?(after reading the description i still have no idea what this course is about, but doesn’t it sound so cool?).

this minor will give you hands-on experience in creating things, and in strengthening your writing?and artistic capabilities.

ta ta for now! see you on the next one,


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