residence,  victoria

Annesley HELL!

Hello. I am applying for res at Vic next year, and I was just wondering what exactly the “Music Room” in Annesley Hall is? Is there a piano or something? And if there is… can I use it? Thanks!

I hate calling vic. This is not the first vic residence question that led me to call their annoying automated service, that leads you, more often than not, to nothing.

So from the hours (well, minutes) I spent on the phone I was able to gather that there IS a music room at Annesley hall, that it probably does have a piano, and that you can use it if you live there. But that’s just a whole lotta maybes. So maybe you should try calling this number: 416-585-4494. Someone referred me to this woman’s number, but of course there was no answer. MAYBE you’ll have better luck.


  • Anonymous

    There is a piano. Whether the room that it’s in is called the “music room”, I do not know.

  • Anonymous

    There is a piano, and you can use it. There are also pianos in Marg Ad (the basement – it’s the Arts and Culture floor, so they have practise rooms for the shitload of music students they have) and in Lower Burwash.

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