
fees are so scary


I still haven’t received the money I need to pay and the deadlines tomorrow what can I do to stay in my courses??




wow, this is nearly a month late. i’m so sorry for this extremely delayed response.

hopefully you have deferred your fees, but judging from the nature of your question, you probably have not.

in that case, defer your fees online! if you are receiving OSAP, you should be able to automatically defer your fees through ACORN.

if that doesn’t work, please go into your registrar’s office. this goes for any deadline that you think you might be in danger of missing: GO SEE YOUR REGISTRAR!!! they are honestly magic-makers and can help you out even in the most dire of circumstances. trust me.

again, i’m so sorry for such a late answer. i really hope that this helps out, even though the deadline has long passed (so, so sorry. i really hope that you didn’t get kicked out of your courses).

 friends sorry joey tribbiani im sorry apology GIF



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