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degrees make bad toilet-paper

i am having trouble deciding what subject Post to study. How would i get more info about course programs? ie.what is involved, why students like/hate it, what is it’s use after i graduate. I am currently in life science and am starting to think this is the most useless degree. Other degrees may be useless to but they probably are not as hard as lifesci. i’ve heard of possible jobs from pro-life sci administrators however most of these require post grad, and if you don’t have the grades, what else can u use life sci for asides from expensive toilet paper?

not much as far as i understand. that degree will afford you opportunities if you have other skills (ie: work with computers, carpentry, etc.) and you need a degree to get a job in that field. otherwise, life sci really requires grad work to get anywhere. you should go talk to the friendly folks at the career centre. they have an excellent staff who can help you plot a career path, and they would be in a better position than i to direct your studies towards getting paid in the real world.
also, go talk to your academic counselor at your registrar’s office. they can hook you up with all sorts of info that can help.
pick up the anti calnedar for a good summary on how difficult/useful/enjoyable your program of interest is. which life sci are you thinking of getting into. get it at the ASSU (1st floor in Sid Smith or click here for an online copy). for example, psychology might be some thing you can actually use in the real world, especially if you focus on social sciences. employers see this degree as flexible. this may not be the case with biology.
talk to someone in the upper years (especially 4th year) and see what the hell they plan to do with their expensive piece of toilet paper.
and just a word of advice, to any who are thinking of using their degree as toilet paper, it’s only 1-ply and it’s not quilted, so be gentle with it. nobody likes wiping with sand paper.

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