distribution,  english

distributing the pain

What is meant by a Distribution Requirement for a Humanities major? Does it mean compulsory science courses? Furthermore, I now understand that it is no longer possible to do a Combined Specialist degree in English and History, but that it is possible to do a Combined Specialist in English and Philosophy or in History and Political Science. Is it possible to do a Specialist in English and a Major in History (or the other way around).

distribution requirements are courses that must be taken and these generally include a humanities, a science, and a social science class. these are courses that ensure you have some understanding outside of your chosen field of study. it gives you a well rounded education, or at least that is the intention. to be honest, i don’t think ‘rocks for jocks’ or botany really gives you any insight into science, but what the hell do i know.
as for your combo, i can’t think of any reason why you couldn’t pursue both a ENG specialist (10-14 full credits) and a HIS major (7 full credits). that would be 17 of your 20 possible courses and of course then you need to complete your science distribution requirement. you should talk to your academic counselor at your registrar’s office for details on how this could work out.
hope it helped. cheers,

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