
*head bangs*

hi, i am considering enrolling in 3 credits for the fall semester and then dropping one half course, but i can’t find the deadline for dropping a course without having to pay anything so i’m scared to enrol now:( should dropping in september be enough to not pay any withdrawal fee? please help!

hey there,

don’t blame you at all for not being able to find this– i had a lil trouble myself. it’s not a short answer, either, as this deadline can vary by your faculty, division, and even year. you can check out a master list of the refund schedules here— just click the link that applies to you.

sorry i can’t be more specific, but unless i know exactly where you fall in the great bureaucracy that is u of t, this question’s a bit of a hard one to answer. too many possibilities. hope i managed to at least direct you to something that’ll be helpful, though!
be Boundless,


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