Greetings! Is Introduction to Film Study any good? What are some easy courses that I can take first year to lighten up my workload?
not that. INI 115 (intro to film) is a course wrought with work and requires a lot of time, writing,m a diligence. this is not to scare you off, from what i gather it’s an awesome course, and the prof really does know and care about the material. he’s tough but fair, and dammit, i think he’s a nice guy.
looking for a panty weight course? it’s all about the 199Y courses. not only are they, for the most part, light weight courses, but they also tend to be really interesting, tackling nontraditional subject matter. highly recommend them. you can only take them in first year and i think, though i could be wrong on this, that you pick some and they guarantee you’ll get a 199Y seminar (though not necessarily the specific one you wanted). look for 199Y seminars on Bob Dylan/Neil Young, and modern American Film (ie blockbusters you’ve already seen) to go down early in round one. serious light weight courses.
hope it helped. cheers,