GPA,  grad school,  non degree

pls guys only i’m allowed to not make sense

If I get my four bachelors degree’s ECA from university of Toronto, can I upgrade my CGPA
Which help me for further university education

hey there,

Season 4 Nbc GIF by The Good Place

sorry, but this wording is confusing me. “four bachelors degree’s ECA”?

i don’t know if i’m having a stroke or i’m just reading this wrong, but my brain is deteriiooioutaing i can hear it.

i’m gonna try to untangle this question. so, the educational credential assessment (ECA) from u of t is an academic credential evaluation service used for things like immigration or employment purposes, getting your visa, licensure, etc. you can learn more about that here.

the bachelor’s degree at u of t is something entirely separate. from what you said, it seems like you’ve completed your bachelor’s degree, possibly even four bachelors degrees like this guy. if so, you scare me and i hope my mom never meets you.

The Office gif. John Krasinski as Jim sits in the passenger seat of a parked car, wearing a fake moustache and gray jumpsuit. He looks at us with discomfort as he reclines the chair out of sight behind the car door.

if you have already graduated as an undergrad from u of t, there are certainly ways that you can raise your CGPA to help you apply for further university education. the main way that people do this is take courses as a non-degree student. basically, non-degree studies allow you to take courses that will upgrade your university record, which will help you qualify for grad school.

if you want to saunter down that road at u of t, you’ll need to contact your former college/faculty registrar’s office to ask whether you’re eligible to re-register or if you need to re-apply through ouac. admission consideration for non-degree students will be based on your academic record from both high school and undergrad, as well as your english proficiency, if required.

*10 minutes later*

WAIT. i was just about to post this, but i think i figured out where you’re coming from. you took your undergrad degree somewhere else and are taking your ECA to verify your degree is valid and equal to a canadian one?! and now you want to upgrade your gpa at u of t? did i get it?

option 1: (*you shake your head no. i’m crazy*)

option 2: (*you are shocked. the rumors are true, aska is indeed a psychic*)

in this case, you can still apply to u of t as a non-degree student. students who have completed their degree at another university/college have to apply through ouac using the non-degree application. just make sure to review important dates and deadlines to make sure you complete all your required documentation. once you’ve submitted your application, you’ll be granted access to the join u of t portal, where you can submit more supporting documents and check your application status.

some things to note: once you’re admitted, you can enrol in courses depending on course prerequisites and available space. you can prepare by review which courses interest you and what their prerequisites are, by looking on the academic calendar. i also highly recommend using timetable builder to look at course schedules and space available.

anyways, i hope one of these answers answered your question.

over and out,



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