Hey there! I was wondering if it would be possible for me to transfer into U of T from high school after first semester; can I do this and how would I do so? My average is fairly high up there (93-96%) and I’m pretty sure I can handle university. I want to start early so I can have a few extra months in the summer to work. Anyway, if you can e-mail me back with an answer that would be great, your site’s awesome and may the force be with you.
your best bet will be to try talking with a counselor about this. i’m not sure of the logistics. the problem will be that first year studies for most programs require you to start in september because they’re full year courses. i have doubts that it’s doable but you should probably check none the less. have you applied for school yet. there’s a lot of stuff to consider here.
try contacting admissions and awards. they should be able to help you.
sorry for the delay in the answer.