First of all I’d like to say that this website is SUCH a good idea. There has been lots of info that I couldn’t find via the UofT homepage by using the ‘search’.
Today however, I just have THREE questions.
1. How the hell do I switch colleges? Mine is B-O-R-I-N-G! I want to switch to either Vic or Trinity. Why you ask? Because they are more along my atmosphere.
2. How/where do you get information about sororities at U of T?
3. How do you become a member of a sorority?
to switch colleges simply go to your registrar’s office and ask for the form to switch colleges. you’ll have to come up with a valid reason for switching so start dreaming up a decent lie now. but it shouldn’t be too difficult to do.
as for sororities, are you sure? I don’t know if they’re as bad as frats but you might want to think twice before joining. sororities at uoft aren’t really affiliated with the school like they are in the states. my best suggestion is to simply cruise around fratland, that areae above bloor between madison and st george. most of the soroities are in this area and you might find posters, or you could just cruise up to the doors of any buildings you know to contain the evil known as sororites. and in no time flat, you too can be a part of an elitist group of women who perpetually frequent the Brunny.
best of luck with everything. cheers,
Hey there!
Pi Beta Phi at University of Toronto is a really nice sorority, I know a lot of the women in it. And just so you know, its not about being elitist. Its about being in an organized group. Granted there are some bad ones. The one I’m referring you too has many good qualities. Its mostly based on leadership development and philanthropic work. They also work for good academics too. Some social aspects include sisterhood nights where all of the women hang out and watch a movie, or a formal which is a really fun time. Its nice to get involved in a group like that because they encompass the types of activities that you would get from a bunch of different groups all in one.
They do recruitment at the beginning of every semester. You can go to http://www.pibetaphi.org/pibetaphi/utoronto/ to find out more.
By the way, there is also absolutly no sort of hazing involved in any way shape or form. I would highly recommend checking it out to see if it is something you are interested in.
Good luck with everything!
There are no bad sororities at U of T, and most of the women in them have a reasonable understanding of grammar.
Each of the sororities participates in a process of formal recruitment organized by the Panhellenic association each September. Those that have the space and the time continue to recruit immediately after formal recruitment and again near the beginning of second semester.
The process to join is one of mutual selection (the current members want you to join, and you want to join). Some have further requirements, such as a minimum GPA.
There are many parts of the above comment with which I have to completely agree. Sororities are a fantastic way to make lasting friendships, find a group of women to volunteer, study, or generally have a great time with. Further, the risk of being shut down or losing a pledge class makes the generally unappealing idea of disrespecting and humiliating a group of women who you have agreed to treat as your sisters even less appealing. Hazing is taken extremely seriously, and is not tolerated.
The women on the panhellenic council (all sorority women) are knowledgeable and I believe that you can find their contact information on the website if it does not answer all of your questions.
I’m also interested in switching colleges and staying in another dorm atleast for next year-what kind of reason would be considered ‘valid’?