Hey aska,
I was just wondering as a first year student coming in to u of t, when do we start selecting our courses? I haven’t chosen which campus I’m going to attend but since the deadline is until June 2, I assume that it will be after that date that we will be able to pick our courses. Am I right?
Thanks a lot,Ray
RE: title. Don’t worry, it’s just a Lemonheads reference. I couldn’t resist!
Onto your question. It’s probably already time for you to become BFFs with the Arts& Science calendar (which you can pick up at your registrar, or access here). All the important dates for choosing your classes can be found in the timetable, but I’ll roll it out here in advance.
Before you select your classes, you will need a start time. Start times are staggered by year of study and program. You will be able to view your start time on ROSI starting JULY 5. The first date to choose your classes is JULY 25. This site explains it all in full if you think I’m speaking gibberish.
After you select your classes, just pay the minimum amount to register by AUGUST 24 and you”ll be good to go! Talk to your college registrar about booking an appointment about course selection.