engineering,  math

Big Aspirations Equal Big … uuh …

Hi, aska.? I have a simple question.? I am first year student and I am taking general humanities courses and have not yet declared my major.? I recently want to become an engineer and realized that this field I have looked over is indeed quite interesting and is shaping the world.? I also fully understand this field is largely based on mathematics and science. So my question is, having not taken grade 12 science or math courses, can I
declare my major as math.? I understand there are requirements to take courses and imagine math is no different but I can’t find that information on the Math Department’s website.? How can I declare math as my major without the necessary prerequisites.? Do I have to reapply as an adult student? I hated math but now I want to learn everything before college and when I am ready how do I start taking math at Uoft.? Any and all advice, criticisms will be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Big Aspirations !!!


Hey there Big Aspirations

ok … so I have some super secret information for you … feel the anticipation growing. The enrolment for Mathematics only requires that you have completed 4.0 courses. It does not state that you need to have highschool grade 12 math. However, many of the first year courses have MCV4U and MHF4U as a prerequisite. Here’s the super de duper secret I have, the word on the street is that the math department doesn’t actually check prereqs for their courses. ewww lala.

Saying that, you may and probably will suffer without that prior information. Actually how many people remember what they were taught in grade 12 anyways.

Also … you realize a math major has nothing to do with engineering right (ok, nothing is a little strong, but they aren’t the same program).

to the moon and back,


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