arts & sciences,  subject POST

tonight, we dine in HELL!

It is said that there are more than 300 programs for us to choose, but I got only 3 programs, Commerce, Mathematical, physical and Computer Sciences, and Humanities and Social Sciences. So I am a little confused. Could you help me?

if you study humanity, it’s actually a social science. that’s confusion.
basically, there are a bunch of faculties at UofT. arts and science is the biggest one, i think. if you study science, social science (e.g. political science, gender studies, woman’s studies, sexual diversity), or humanities (e.g. languages, english, history, religion, philosphy) you belong to that faculty. there is a book two inches thick of different classes and programs in that faculty.
then the engineers have their own faculty, the commerce kids, medicine, teaching, music, ect. many many faculties. within those facaulties there are programs of study. within those programs are courses. and the cheese stands alone.
go here to see what i’m talking about. they like organizing here. everything in its place. lots of jargon that you will be down with in the first week, especially after you hear those idiotic engineers painted purple and setting off cannons at 5 in the morning.

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