first year,  grades,  midterms

the worth of work

Dear aska,

I’m a first year at UTSG life sci, I study, but I don’t work my butt off, and I know that it’s my fault that I’ve done so horribly on my first term tests. I’ve gotten pretty much 60s – low 60s. Is it possible that I may pull up my mark by the second test, but just, what should I do? I don’t even know anymore, I’ve kind of lost hope. I know that I pretty much crammed 4 days before each tests, and I gotta change my study strategy for test 2, but even if I get an 80 on the next tests I’ll end up with a 70…and what if I still end up with 60s after becoming more hardworking.. I feel like everyone’s so smart and hardworking, I’m like…so..dumb..

Most importantly….if I get through first year with 60s, is that okay? The thing is, I know it is, but would it just mean I’ll have less choice of POSTs, since my grades are so low?…

Are there any POSTs in lifesci that have verrry minimal + non competitive requirements? I’m still kind of unfamiliar with everything. I think I’m just gonna bare with university and try to pass these 4 years as quickly as possible.


Hey hey!

Here’s a tip: don’t just change the way you study – change the way you work.

Change your reading habits, the way you take your notes, your lecture attendance (if that applies), and so on. U of T wants you to succeed, but that’s not going to happen unless you take initiative.

So cancel your pity party, sweetie, because with a few habit-building trips to the library or whatever study space you choose, you should be fine. University requires discipline. It’s good that you realize what you’re doing/not doing, but until you actually try to make a change, of course you’re going to feel a little lost! I mean look at your own words. “Smart” and “hardworking” go hand in hand, so it’s time to get a move on working your butt off! 🙂

And if you end up with something in the 70s, you should be fine. Take a look at the requirements needed for the specific programs you’re considering, but for example, a major in Human Biology only calls for 4.0 FCE and has no GPA minimum, so at least there’s that. But explore the Calendar a little and see what you’re interested in.

But really, don’t feel so down. You’re in first-year. You’re transitioning. Everyone feels like this in their first semester, it’s just a matter of making a change.

Good luck!


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