how to manage in management

Hi Aska,

I’m currently a first year management students at utsc but I have not been doing very well in my courses and I am afraid that I will be kicked out of the program. If I’m kicked out, do I still get a chance to apply for other programs? And how would I go about doing so?

Distressed First Year


Hey Distressed,

If you get “kicked out” of BBA Pre-Program, it’ll most likely to be the result of low grades… granted, for your situation a “low grade” could very well mean a “77” and here at UofT, there’s a grand number of students who would kill for something like that.But to be clear, all programs throughout the university will be looking at grades for admission, so just be careful to maintain your GPA as well as you can.

Now is there a reason you’re not doing particularly well? Not interested in the courses? Too many Thirsty Thursdays? Is Management actually for you? For now, take some electives. Test the waters, feel out the situation, take a look at the other side, yada yada yada. If you’re doing poorly, maybe management isn’t the program for you. But if it’s what you really want, then it’s time to work your butt off and isolate yourself into the deep crevices of the UTSC library (they exist — I’ve worked in them) and study hard!

But from what I’m reading, the Pre-Program seems to require you take some electives alongside those dreaded number-y course things so take advantage of that opportunity to take some that you’ll probably like and do well in. I mean that certainly can’t hurt your GPA, right?

And as an aside, I have a friend who was in your exact situation. I’m like 90% sure he was almost failing all of his courses. Somehow, however, he turned that around and has been taking six courses at a time and absolutely rocking them just to graduate next June. It gets better, my first-year friend. I mean, you haven’t even written your exams yet! Work hard for the next two weeks (and onward, obviously) and you’ll be fine. Good luck!

unnerved by numbers,


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