
ask101h1: how courses work


So I signed up for my classes as successfully as I could. All of them are lectures. What is the difference between lecture and tutorial? And should I change all my classes to tutorials if that’s better? Also, I have heard that signing up for both is mandatory sometimes. Is that true? If so, how do I know if it is for that class?




A lecture is the typical way of going about classes at UofT. These can be classes as big as 1800ish (whatever the capacity of Con Hall is), or as small as 40 or so. These kinds of classes involve a professor or lecturer talking at you and, occasionally, asking questions.

A tutorial on the other hand is a lot more intimate and hands on. Those classes are usually around 20 people or less — or, at least, they SHOULD be, and if there are more people than that, then that’s just friggin annoying. Tutorials will have you really discussing what you learned in lecture for more courses, or say if you’re in a language course, doing a lot of practice work.

Also, your classes are almost always lectures (unless they’re seminars), but not every lecture comes with a tutorial.

Here’s an older post dealing with the same stuff if you need more explanation!

Now the rule of thumb is yes, the lecture and tutorial are necessary. Unless otherwise indicated, they are always necessary.




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