grade, grade, go away


I just got my grade of the summer course I was taking. It is very disappointing to say the least. And I know it is too late to apply for a CR/NCR. But can I maybe convince the office of registrar to consider? I was forced to take this course due to my program requirements. I’m so stumped! Any advice?


Hey hey

If your reason is just that your grade is “disappointing,” then talking to your registrar isn’t going to do anything. Sadly, this is just something you need to accept lingering on your transcript.

But if this course was a program requirement… well, then you actually CAN’T make it CR/NCR.

The rule of thumb with CR/NCR is actually that if it’s a program requirement, you absolutely cannot make it CR/NCR.

Sorry to break the bad news bro!



  • Ava

    Hey aska, in regards to getting grades to go away. is there anything i can do to make mine go away ?
    Im a third year student at Uoft and i entered with pre-management. Dropped all the management courses second semester of first year and took a wide array of courses. some of which i took and barely passed. now im in health studies and city studies and some of those courses i took second semester of first year aren’t even required in my program. Is there any way of petitioning to get rid of those ugly anchors or do i have to suffer with them for the rest of my life. I’m currently in my third year and haven’t ever done credit/no credit if that helps.


  • aska


    if you have extenuating circumstances, i suppose anything is possible. i guess you’d be petitioning for a late withdrawal without academic penalty… but even those are only available for up to six months after finishing your course… i suppose the best plan of action would be to make an appointment at your registrar’s office to get the whole range of options. 🙂

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