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math minor or non-degree???

Hey guys, troubled mind here.
So I graduated in 2012 with BBA Management specializing in Finance, and after working for about a year I am interested in taking a Masters program in Mathematical Finance. As my BBA left me pretty much uneducated in math, I need to take about 2 semesters worth of math courses to be deemed competitive. I also realized that the sum of these courses qualify for the completion of a Minor in Math. So my question is this: Is it possible to take these courses and qualify for a Minor in Math? or do I have to take them as Non Degree.
Thank you for your time


hey there,

it’s actually not possible to do just a minor at uoft – you have to do one specialist, two majors, or a major and two minors in order to get a degree. Meaning you’d have to do your courses as a non-degree student.

But DON’T PANIC. the good thing is non-degree status doesn’t really change anything for you (except that you get last pick for courses on rosi) (but it’s not like math courses fill up incredibly fast anyways amirite?). You’ll get your courses just fine, and you won’t be at a disadvantage when applying to grad school compared to someone who has a minor in math. All the grad schools care about is the marks you got in the courses they specify.

For once, the answer is easy-peasy! Good luck and I keep smilin’,


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