admissions,  grades,  science

i’d be OK if i ended up working at taco bell

Hi! Do you need biology or chemistry marks to apply for Life Sci at the
St.George campus? Also, is it true that this year, the minimum range for
acceptance is 85%?

well, not necessarily. it?s really great and helpful if you do have the two credits if you?re trying to get into biology. if you don?t you?ll just have to work like a speedy beaver to get all of the info into that (a)cute brain of yours. if you want to be a chemist? ai carumba! you do need the high school credits for that, mostly because it?s a pretty unforgiving program. though, in the viewbook, it is highly recommended to have both chemistry and biology as well as advanced functions mathematics (and physics is recommended). also, it is suggested on the u of t admissions and awards page that you remain in the top 1/3rd of your classes in high school, which is presumably in the range of mid-to-high 80?s and beyond. the minimum mark varies from year to year, depending on the applicant pool.

so, like, just, you know, do what feels right for you? like, you know? like, just get some pretty good, like, grades, and like? try your best, and like, get the credits that feel right, like, for you and for what you like, want to do with the rest of your life. okay?

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