12 distinct credits,  graduation,  subject POST

you’ve got the beeeeest of both worlds, mix it all together and…


I’m a second year student majoring in Bioethics and 2 minors in Biology and Physiology. I know that Bioethics is a arts program, while my minor’s are in science. I was wondering if I would graduate with a B.A, or BSc, or if I had the choice to choose? I’m also kind of confused about the 12.0 different courses rule, how does that apply to my minors since there is quite a bit of overlap between them.

Thanks in advance!


hey there,

i’d recommend reading this post to understand the 12.0 distinct credits rule. basically, 8.0 of your credits in your degree can overlap – so between your minors and major, there can only be an overlap of 8.0, i.e. 12.0 credits must each qualify as a requirement for only one of your programs (but that post explains it better than i do so def read that). as for your degree, you would get to choose, which is kind of a super awesome thing that not a lot of people get to do. so CHOOSE WISELY (or just flip a coin lol that’ll work too).



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