engineering,  grades,  med school

for the engineers suffering with depression

uh so I just completed my first term in chemical engineering. I generally like
to work my ass off in my calm, mellow, concentrated way till I get high off of
whatever it is I am studying but despite this I was unable to achieve Dean’s
honour list. I am so fucking depressed. Also I really really really want to go
to grad school. Are they gonna care if I didn’t achieve my full potential in my
very first term in university? Sometimes I just feel like dropping out to
chemistry or philosophy or something.

spill whatever you know that may be useful in this situation.

much thanks and love.

Mellow dramatic, more like it. A-Hyuk!

Now, we all feel like dropping out at some point. In first year, you have to get used to the new marking schemes, the amount of work that you?re given, and of course everything varies from instructor to instructor. Sometimes, you just have to adapt. You study science, so you should know who Darwin is and how we had to gracefully evolve over billions of years. I wouldn?t worry about what happened in first term. And please, don?t get depressed. If you keep working hard like a little Canadian Beaver (meaning daintily, politely, and humbly), that metaphorical dam the nasty Professor Beavers have built blocking you from positive thoughts regarding your term work will crack and you can build a new one ? using marshmallows and toothpicks. And then you can use some nail polish to delicately paint it and then throw glitter from Dollarama all over it and you will know that you?ve done the best job you possibly could have. Seriously ? a 3.5 (dean’s list) CGPA in first year is normally difficult. You?ll get into grad school if you try your darndest. And I love you too.



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