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Hello aska!

How is your exam schedule? Yes, that’s a question! Also, a post question: is applying to
commerce as a major easier than applying as a specialist?



Well hello to you too!? Aska doesn?t really have a *real* exam schedule because Aska is a drama kid.? We just have four weeks of hell followed by intense, competitive auditions.? Though, I?m living through it, and do enjoy it.? And thank you for asking.? Readers, take note of this fancy praise.? That is how you pose a question!

As for the commerce part of your puppies and sunshine inquiry, you have the same access to courses whether or not you?re a major or a specialist, so it doesn?t really matter.? It just depends on how much you want to dedicate yourself to the program.? So, the application is the same, to put it bluntly.

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