subject POST

Cram Jam Jock Jams

I’m finishing my first year. I heard that in order to choose a post, and therefore choose courses, you have to have 4 credits. If I’m finishing in May with 3.5 credits and I’m taking a summer course from May to August (1 credit), will I still be able to choose my Post in July? Even though, technicially I will not have completed my 4 credits yet.
Please help!



You do need to choose a POSt in order to enrol and make course selections for next year, which is why I?m sure you?ve become a bit of a Freakazoid.? Now, you can apply for a type 1 post whenever.? But you?ll need to select two majors, or a specialist, or a major and two minors.? However, if you want to graduate with a POSt type 2 or 3, the second request period runs from July 7th to August 24th.? So, you still have time to apply.? If you?re worried about the amount of credits you?ll have before August, call or e-mail the undergraduate coordinator of that department and explain what your situation is and they?ll be able to help you no problem.? This is also something that I would suggest going to your registrar about.


To my avid readers, I?m sorry that this response is so lacklustre.? I?m tired, I?ve been writing these things all day, and on top of that my computer literally blew up and I had to re-write everything.? I?ve lost all the spunk I had in the morning.? And yes, I chose the word spunk on purpose.? Here?s a funny video to distract you from my crusty administrative answer.? Hopefully it’ll be enough inspiration to get bikini/speedo body ready.? SUMMER IS A COMIN’!



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