easy way out,  peace and conflict,  SMC203Y

polisci at UofT and beyond, a comprehensive study

how does the PoliSci Dept. at U of T compare with that at other universities?

well, UofT has a large polisci dept. check out the polisci website. the program starts off pretty small, with only three first-year courses offered, but explodes in upper-year selection. it’s range is huge too, north america, europe, africa, latin america, military conflict…just take a look at the calendar for the breadth of the program. there are also a few other programs that may interest you that are related to polisci, such as peace and conflict studies and international relations. and most importantly, get the low down on the profs and the classes. check out the anti-calendar. it is student evaluations of the courses. invaluable.


One Comment

  • julian

    I am looking at summer, 3rd year poli sci courses at UofT, that are a good grade booster if you know what i mean……..

    any suggestions?


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