residence,  victoria

lonely, but clean

 Hi. I was wondering what the policy is on TV’s in rez (i. e. whether there’s availability for cable connection). If I can avoid fighting with other people over the remote in the common room, I will be a happy camper. Plus, I fear Gossip Girl will monopolize Tuesday nights. If it helps, I’m in Lower Burwash.


Ah, Victoria, Victoria, home of heritage-dripping chapels, the Isabel Bader theatre, magnificent libraries and residence buildings named after colon cleansers? hurrah!

askastudent went over the top this time and called vic’s dean of students office or something like that. And the answer is: affirmative! While all those pesky scoundrels engage in loathsome befriending in the common room (how common indeed!), you’ll be able to slip into your robe, pour yourself some tonic water, open your television set and watch? nothing! That’s because Lower Burwash houses aren’t connected to cable? And don’t worry, nobody’s going to be gossiping about you?


  • illusha

    I’m not sure about other colleges, but Vic’s Resnet tends to be pretty harsh on torrents (not just illegal ones, either) because they cause a large amount of attempted incoming connections to your computer (the kind of behaviour that is common when you have a Trojan horse/backdoor virus). While you likely won’t get into trouble for downloading files via torrents, you may have your internet disconnected for a day or so.

  • Chantal

    I’ve heard people mention DC++ but I have no idea how to find out what the password is for it… Anyone know?

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