admissions,  physiology,  programs

today, your gpa doesn’t matter!! (rare sighting)

does u of t look at my first year gpa when I apply to programs for second year? i am looking at majoring in physiology and was wondering if my gpa affects my chances? i have satisfied the individual course requirements

hey there,

this is a good question. well, i can tell you that your cgpa will not affect your chances of getting into the physiology major. (however, it may be different for other programs).

according to the artsci calendar on the physiology major, they only look at your grades in these required courses:

  • bio120 and bio130
  • (chm135 and chm136) or chm151
  • 1.0 credit from mat135, mat136, mat137, mat157, phy131, phy132, phy151, phy152

you just need to be above a certain minimum average in these courses to get into the program. this minimum apparently changes each year, which is common for program requirements. isn’t that just, like, so convenient for us?

Happy All That GIF by Nickelodeon

sorry i can’t give an exact number, since i’m not in physiology. the academic calendar does say that if you have a grade lower than a 60% in each course or a grade average lower than 70% in these required courses, you won’t be considered for admission. but just because you have higher marks than this doesn’t guarantee admission.

if you wanted my personal (and very possibly straight up wrong!) opinion, you’re only really “guaranteed” to be fine if your course averages are above an 85. so i’d assume the minimum average is somewhere in the bounds of 70 and 80?? idk don’t hold me to that.

since you’re a first year, all the above applies to you. but if you were a second year and above applying for physiology, your whole record may be considered in your admission. this is specified on the same artsci page linked above, which says “applications from students lacking numerical grades in one or more of the specified prerequisites, or students applying in their second or later years, may be considered on the basis of their entire academic record and the availability of space in the program”.

i hope this clarified things, wishing you the best luck (and grades) in your application to physiology!

over and out,


p.s. anyways guys, there have been a lot of questions coming in lately so thanks for everyone’s patience. is it finals week or is it my final week? stay tuned to find out. either way, answering your questions is a top tier way to procrastinate and i hope i am being useful. 😀 love y’all

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