I have been recieving loads of emails per day in my utor junk mail.. they are usually from “Viagra” and things like it promising some *sexy time*…it is really starting to get on my nerves!!! does this happen to you?…I blocked alot of them but I thought the Utor email would be better than this!..I actually get less junk mail in my hotmail account!
i get those too! and trust me, askastudent does not need any more viagra. there’s probably a spam filter that you can access online or you could always complain to network services. but seriously, just delete and move on.
but wait! for the more tech-savvy you can always import your utoronto email account into a computer-based email program like outlook express. the following are the passwords for that account:
– inbox: mailbox180.utcc.utoronto.ca
– utorid/password
oh and if you haven’t already, you should probably get gmail.
cheers, askastudent