courses,  dropping courses,  new college


help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee askastudent! i miss ur responses! plzz update! i have a question 4 u and its urgent. what have u heard about Intro to African Studies: NEW 150 Y1? There is no rating available in the anti calendar and the description of the course is vague. I am wondering which countries do they cover? lastly, what have u heard about CLA 160? Is it any good?
milles merci!

here’s what my roommate from first year says about NEW150Y1:

on the level of difficulty: “it’s not a HARD…it’s just average. i mean people expect the class to be easy, but it’s definitely not.”

on the workload: “well there were 2 essays, a map quiz (a mandatory quiz on every country in africa and their location), a midterm I believe but i’m not sure and a final…the novels were really interesting to read…it’s an average workload i would say.”

on class participation: “well you don’t have to be involved if you don’t want to. there’s no tutorials but it’s open and easy to ask questions if you want to.”

on the course material: “oh..they try to do a kind of brief overview on all the main sectors of africa.. you know, sub saharan, the ivory coast, etc. its a really good class…i thought so anyway’s and it has a small amount of students. it’s interesting! if dickson is the professor again, it will be really good.”

on your classmates: “there’s probably 50 people tops. the class was in the basement of new college when i took it, so the scenery was um, a little less to be desired…but it’s still a really great class.”

“it was my favourite (class that year) for sure. it made me want to go into the program.”

and here’s the anti-calendar rating for CLA 160 (87%). i don’t know everyone.

merci beau coup! a de main! other french stuff!!

cheers, askastudent

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