I have another question!
I don’t really understand the concept of Subject POSt’s.
When the time comes to choose one, whats the process? I know there is a place to chose one on rosi, and then I know you must get approval, but how does that all work?
I have a problem! I just found out I need a 70% in two classes to get into the program I want. (Visual Studies) I don’t remember ever reading that before, it doesn’t seem fair! Thats higher than so many other programs. Now lets say I don’t get those marks, then pretty much I’m screwed. Lets just say I come close…68% say, is there anyone I can look sad in front of to change it!?? (I’m guessing no eh?)
visual studies is a type two program of study, which means you sign up on rosi under subject post, and your request is sent to the department of visual studies. then you wait, and check back from time to time. if you are accepted, it will eventually appear in your rosi account in the same section. you click accept on the screen and there you go. remeber that you can only do this at certain times in the year. you should be getting a pamphlet outlining all this if you are a first year.
i didn’t see any gpa or course mark requirements, but if you see that somewhere official, go with it. another thing you can do if you don’t get in because of your marks is sign up for another post that interests you. you can change your post until the time you graduate, so if you work your ass of next year and meet the mark requirements, you should be able to get in at a later date. of course, this depends on whether your department will allow this, and if the mark requirements are based on your overall gpa or on certain course marks.
go talk to your registrar to get all of the how-to.