I was just on the innis res website and there was a link to these crazy things called “houses” with names like vladimir, devo and north house. What are these houses all about? For example, do the members of Devo house run around wearing yellow jumpsuits and wearing plastic bowls on their head yelling “whip it!”?? Are all vladimirians gother-than-thou? Perhaps it’s all those OAC exams, but I just don’t get it.
ohmigod! someone who obviously thinks that they’re funnier than i honestly think that i am! ah! competition! that’s it ma’am or sire: a duel at high noon at sid smith, you may choose your weapon and whoever wins will reign supreme on the snarky innis comments! en garde!
but if we’re quite done here, i have some info that you may be interested in:
houses are yet another way to group, count, line up, and knock down students. essentially, they are there to add to the community feeling of the building; really, they are there to keep you corraled and to try to force you to instigate house events like cookie nights and taco “fiestas” and ice cream parties.
each residence assistant is assigned one house and each don is assigned two to keep control over and look in on from time to time.
oh, and good knight, if you think that oac exams are bad, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.