• enrollment,  first year

    panic! at the ROSI

    omgomgomg ASKA! It was so stressful I almost cried (I cry to relieve stress and my friends always make fun of me). I was SO ready for it like “BRING IT ON” but wow was my confidence kicked real hard in the ####!!!! Psych is really popular with the crowds huh? -.- I also ended up taking ANT110H1 which was my LAST resort because I had/have noooo idea what the course description is trying to tell me. Think you could shed some light? GAWD last night was so stressful! T^T #cantgetoverit



    there are a lot of exclamation points in this question and i’m kind of intimidated. also, i’m not sure i can actually find the question buried in all this panic. so – i know it’s hard, but do your best – try and get over it. you’re all grown up now and you can handle this. aska believes in you.

    okay, motivational poster time over.

    yeah, psych is pretty popular. you just have to take a look at this site’s psychology category to see that. it’s one of only a few POSts with its own category here. a true honour – i’m sure the psych department knows and is delighted.

    now, ANT110. this is the course description. i’m not an anthropologist and i have never taken a class on anthropology, but it says pretty clearly that?it’s going to be a class that examines different cultures’ and different thinkers’ perspectives on nature. pretty cool.

    so, for example, you might look at?the difference in perspectives between a North American career-mum who thinks that her lawn exists to best the other mummies’ lawns, and a Mongolian steppe warrior who’s never seen a lawn in his?entire life.

    obviously, one of those people is a bloodthirsty war?machine, while the other is a member of an Asian ethnic?group that dates back many centuries, so there’re bound to be some interesting differences.

    but enough guesswork from me. if you really want to know what the course is about, wait for the course?reading?list to be uploaded onto the bookstore’s site. that should give a good idea of course content. also, ?reading up on the research done by the prof who’s teaching?the course is a good way to get insight about what they’re likely to focus on.

    anyway, i hope you like the class!


    P.S. i can’t believe i made a panic! at the disco reference. i’ve regressed back to age 14. god help us all.

  • enrollment

    slipping past the priority

    Hi aska, so I’m going to be a first year physical and mathematical science student at St. George. I just finished course enrolment, and for some reason ROSI allowed me to enrol in BIO120 & BIO130. Will it kick me out since I do not have priority?? Thanks in advance!


    hey there,

    i’m VERY doubtful that you got into a course with a priority if you didn’t have priority. before you start celebrating that you pulled a fast one on ROSI, double-check the following:

    1) are you sure you’re a physical/mathematical sci. student? read your acceptance letter. just one more time. for me.

    2) are you sure you’re enrolled in the classes? check that the courses are on your personal timetable and your ‘list courses’ (which you can find in the left-hand table and under ‘course enrolment,’ respectively, on ROSI). if they’re not there, you’re not in the classes.

    3) if you still think you’re enrolled after steps #1 and #2, contact your college registrar. they can check for sure to see if you’re enrolled, and if you’re not, it’s a lot better to learn that now than to find out halfway through term. that would trip you up bad.

    if you ARE enrolled, then hey, you pulled off a miracle. good for you.



  • enrollment,  summer

    do you have a death wish

    Can I take up to 6 courses during the summer, just like during the year?


    hey there,

    no. summer classes move a lot faster than Fall/Winter courses, and for that reason, the university has kindly capped the number of courses you can take in the summer at 2.0 FCEs.

    otherwise we’d have students dropping like flies in the hot, july sun, and that just would not be good for business.



  • enrollment,  UTSC

    i want to be at utsc (temporarily)

    i am a st george student who wants to enroll in a class at scarborough campus. what day can i do that?


    hey there anonymous st. george student,

    man, i thought this was gonna be easy to answer. it’s such a short question!

    i found out that UTSC students can sign up for UTSG/UTM courses on august 15th at 6am, and UTM students can sign up for UTSC/UTSG courses on the same date, so while i would assume that the same applies to St. George, i can’t say for sure. (of course UTSG had to be the ONE CAMPUS that didn’t specify. sigh.)

    try enrolling in the UTSC course(s) you’re interested in on your start time, just in case. if it doesn’t work, my bet is it opens august 15th at 6am. if anyone knows for sure, please do let us know!

    sorry i couldn’t be of more help. i hope you enjoy all the deer and celebrities filming rural shots in scarborough!



  • enrollment

    got ourselves a justice warrior

    Hello!? ?I was wondering how u of t determines the start times on ROSI. I’m a second year and had a 7AM start time, but a lot of my friends didn’t start till 2PM. How is that fair?


    hey there,

    i mean, i don’t know if your dad has taken you to the lobster tanks at the grocery store and explained to you what’s going to happen to them next, but life is pretty unfair most of the time. most people lead quiet, desperately sad, unfulfilled lives, and the sooner you come to terms with that, the better.

    that said, uoft’s system is not entirely up to the cruelties of fate.?start times after first year are organized by number of credits you’ve obtained – to a point. there is also a certain element of chance to your start time (so, you’re grouped into a certain part of the day based on your credits to date, and then within that time, you’re assigned to a random 10-minute slot).

    given the number of students at this school who all want to enrol as soon as possible,?i’d say this is probably the sanest way to go about it. but hey, if you can think of ?a better way, feel free to bring it up to FAS, i’m sure they’d love to hear it.



  • courses,  enrollment

    hello, help

    Hello aska (my phone autocorrected “hello” to “help” which feels more accurate)! Is it a smart idea for me to sign up for a 6th class my first year just to make sure I’ll have 5 classes if I drop one? I’m worried about ending up with just 4 courses. I’ll be at st. George, for reference. Thanks!!


    hey there,

    that is a very good idea. however, you’ll only be able to do it starting august 8th at 6am. until then, you’re stuck enrolling in a maximum of 5.0 credits, so don’t stay up late august 8th.

    or just stay up until 6am. which is probably what i’ll do.



  • dropping courses,  enrollment

    accidentally dropping a course

    I was enrolled in a summer course. I dropped this summer course thinking that I could take 3FCE’s next year as a part time student but it turns out that it is actually 2.5FCE. Can I be re-enrolled in this course? I realize that it is my fault for lack of due diligence. I’m kind of freaking out because I’ll have to pay the whopping flat fee next year if I cannot. I’m 3 courses away from my graduation 🙁 Will my registrar be able to help me? How do I proceed?

    Thank you.


    hey there,

    that sounds very stressful friend, but i’m afraid it’s all up to you now.

    you can re-enroll in the course, but you’ll have to do it yourself on ROSI (you’re able to add/change/drop F and Y courses until september 21st), whether that means adding the course or adding yourself to a waitlist. as for your payments, 3.0 FCEs is full-time, unfortunately, so maybe you’ll want to drop one of your other half-credits to get it down? whatever you decide, i don’t think the registrar’s office will be much help at this point.

    if you do decide to go part-time, you need to request to be dropped to per-course fees so they don’t charge you full-time. you can do that at this brand new-link from the faculty.

    best of luck,


  • enrollment

    prioritize meeee

    Hello aska (o knowledgable one)

    I?m a first year student year doing biophysics. This lumps me in with the life science program, which (I think) gets a different start time than the physics program students on july 30. Problem is, I want to take a few courses in physics (PHY151Y1, PHY152Y1 and a popular limited enrolment course), and only one bio this year (BIO130H1). Will the physics students get priority enrolment over the life science students for those courses?

    PS. ASAP response appreciated as it?s time sensitive, but you probably have lots of questions this week

    jon snow?s brother


    hey jon snow’s brother,

    this whole question is just a LITTLE SKEWED. you’ve almost understood everything, but not quite understood anything. which is how everyone goes into first year, i guess. so lemme straighten them crooked misconceptions:

    1) if you’re a first year student, you’re not “doing” anything. you’re just a general first year life sci., physical/mathematical/chemical sci. or humanities student. biological physics?is a specialist program?you can enter after first year.

    2) every single 1st year physics course has a priority for first-year life science AND physical/mathematical/chemical sciences students. a few of them include 1st year computer science in there, but as long as you’re in one of those streams, you’ll have first pick at the courses. neither life sci. or physical/mathematical sci. students will have a higher?priority than the other. BIO130H1 also has a priority for 1st year life sci. students.

    you can see which enrolment indicators every course in the Faculty of Arts & Science has, and, if it has a priority, who the priority is for, on the timetable. if you use that, you’ll be?ahead of the pack when it comes to course enrolment, trust me.


    arya stark’s asthmatic sister

  • enrollment,  subject POST

    subject LOSt

    Hey aska,
    I’m returning after a one year suspension from UTSG, during which I completed a certificate in Media at Humber college (awesome btw). Now that I know what I like, I requested Book & Media Studies Major and Cinema Studies Minor (Type 2 Subject POSts). My Creative Expression & Society Minor Subject POSt is active.
    On ROSI it says I am a 2nd year student so course enrolment starts towards the end of the July. However, I read my Subject POSt results won’t appear until September 13 because I applied during the second round…
    Will I still be able to enrol in courses, and if so, how??
    Thanks for your help!
    p.s. you rock 🙂


    hey there,

    that sounds like quite a journey – it’s nice to have you back.

    you’ll still be able to enrol in courses (on july 24th), but you may not get the ones you want. if you’re not in the enrolment category for a course, a few things might happen.

    if the course has a ‘P’ indicator on the timetable, you’ll have to wait until?August 8th at 6am to enrol in it. if it has an ‘R’ indicator, you won’t have access to the class. you can read about the other, more exotic indicators here. if a course doesn’t have an indicator and you meet any prerequisites, you should have no problem.

    also, you should add an acceptable combination of type 1 subject POSts while you wait on Book & Media and Cinema Studies to get back to you – some POSts that’ll get you into courses you’re interested in would be ideal, but it doesn’t really matter. just add some so that you can enrol in courses while you wait on the results from the type 2’s.

    also,?well done on the witty e-mail subject line. it was so good i had to use it as a title for this post, which may not seem like a big deal, but you saved me 10 minutes of staring vacantly into space?trying to think up come clever pun or one-liner related to enrolment indicators, so thanks.



    P.S. you sediment 😉

  • enrollment

    jus t enrol in evERYTHI GN JS UT DO IT

    Hey aska! I’m going into 1st year and so far, most upper years’ advice has been ‘Enrol in as many courses as you can, then after classes start, drop the ones you don’t like’. So my question is, is dropping courses just a few clicks on ROSI? Or would I have to write a ton of letters and get sassed out by my registrar? Thanks! 🙂


    hey there,

    sometimes i think uoft’s bureaucracy is unnecessarily confusing and complicated, but then i see?what incoming students THINK it’s like, and i thank my lucky stars this?school is not actually the dystopian?nightmare y’all seem to think it is.

    up until the deadline (september 21st for this Fall/Winter), you’re able to add, drop and change course sections yourself on ROSI at the click of a button. that’s it, that’s all.

    that said, there’s a limit to how many courses you can enrol in. until august 8th, you’re only able to enrol in 5.0 FCEs (that’s Full Credit Equivalents). after that, you can enrol in a maximum of 6.0.



    P.S. the registrar NEVER sasses. that’s exclusively aska’s job. oh and did i mention that?your mom and i hang out behind your back? haha. sass.

  • enrollment,  subject POST

    but i FEEL like i should be in a higher year

    Hi! I have 2 questions. Im starting my third year from september and I want to enroll in a course and it says the prerequisites are? 2.0 ENG FCE and any 4.0 FCE. Does this mean from first and second year or? just second year?Also, although I am in my third year, on Rosi, it says Im in second since I am 0.5 credit behind. Does this mean I’ll have to mainly select second year courses? I’m assuming that most third year courses will be full since I will have a later date to pick courses than third year students.


    hey there,

    guuuUUUUURGH i wish you’d told me what course?it was so i could just look it up.?ah, well. time to whip out the thinking cap.

    if it says ‘any 4.0 FCEs,’ then it just means that you need to have completed 4.0 credits. any 4.0. that prerequisite is?typically a baby-proofing measure used to prevent first year students from taking a course. the fact that it requires at least 2.0 ENG FCEs makes me feel like that’s almost definitely the case here.

    you’re only a third year student if you?”expect to complete 9 to 13.5 credits by the end of the 2014 summer session.” if you’re under 9.0, then you’re still considered a second-year student, meaning you’ll have to enrol along with the second year students, on july 24th (you can check your start time on ROSI on july 18th).

    you may be able to enrol in some third-year courses though, as long as you can get in and you meet the prerequisites. yeah, a lot of them will be full by the time you enrol, but you might be able to waitlist your way into some, if you’re dedicated enough.?i wish you luck with it!



  • enrollment,  prereqs,  ROSI

    ROSI isn’t magic

    Hey there!

    So I’m planning out my courses for Fall 2015, trying to prepare for the impending bloodbath of Course Enrolment. There is a course I don’t meet all the prerequisites for that I wish to enrol in, and I have obtained permission from the professor to take it. His only concern was that when enrolment comes around I might be automatically be flagged by ROSI as not having the prerequisites and therefore not allowed to add the course, he wasn’t sure but wanted me to find out in case he needed to do anything on his end to let me in. Do you know if I will be automatically blocked by ROSI? Does it have some kind of self-monitoring system?

    Thanks 🙂


    hey there,

    you already talked with a prof about a course you’re taking in Fall 2015? can’t you just…take the prerequisites…this year?

    i’m gonna trust that you just made a typo and meant Fall 2014, but otherwise, this is an entirely different question. anticipating the bloodbath pretty far ahead, you know?

    ROSI isn’t like, a sentient creature, though it seems to have enough hang-ups and tantrums to qualify as one. it doesn’t know automatically if you meet the prereqs for a course. so you’ll be able to enrol in the course, but the department that administers it has total discretion to kick you to the curb at any time if you don’t meet the prereqs – usually near the beginning of the semester.

    since the department’s staff are the ones who pull people from courses, they need to know who gets a free pass. i would go talk to the department that runs the course as soon as possible, preferably with a letter from the prof explaining why you’ve been allowed into the course. if they approve it, then you should be able to enrol in and stay enrolled in the course, no problem.



  • computer science,  courses,  enrollment,  UTSC

    restricting the people from computers

    Hi Aska,

    Can you help me out?? My brother is starting his first year at Uni in September. He wants to transfer from Physics to Computer Science at UTSC,
    he wants to take all the required first year Computer Science courses during the first year but was worried that the rosi would give priority to?computer science students and he will not be able to get a spot in the required courses. I surfed the UTSC website and I wasn’t able to find out if first year computer science courses have priority. I know you mostly deal with UTSG questions but can you find out if the 4 courses all computer science required in the first year are priority? Thanks

    Helpful Sis


    hey there,

    good on you for being a helpful sister. one time, i rolled my sister down the stairs when she was a toddler to see what would happen. it was like rolling a watermelon down the stairs.

    as far as i can tell, all comp. sci. POSt require 3.0 A-level FCEs (that’s A-level as in first year, so if any brits are reading, don’t be alarmed), so i’m not too sure which 4 courses you mean. buuut you can see all the enrolment controls for EVERY CSC course right on the timetable. convenient, eh?

    under the ‘restrictions and instructions’ column of the timetable, there are different letters. if a course has a C, that means the course has a restriction. just click on the C and it’ll lead you to this explanation of all the possible restrictions. there’s no mention there of a priority or other restriction for A-level CSC courses, so i think your lil bro will have no problems enrolling.

