Hi 🙂
I know course enrollment is still a few weeks away, but I’ve got a question about enrolling. I want to enroll in a class that requires 4th years status. I’ll be going into my fourth-year at U of T, however, because I failed a few classes, even after taking classes this summer session, I’ll be 0.5 credit short by September. I was wondering if this would affect my class choices for second semester. Would ROSI reject my enrollment and still consider me third year when trying to enroll for second semester, even though by second semester I’ll have the right amount of credits?
Should I just try to sign up for that class second semester?
Sorry if this is confusing. Thanks for your help.
hey there,
from the calendar: ‘ “First Year?, ?Second Year?, etc.: Sequences of courses are given as guides, but need not be followed in the exact order listed, provided all pre- and co-requisites are observed.‘ my motto is: if the calendar says it, it’s gospel.
basically, despite people who love lording it over younger students how “mature” and “experienced”* they are, your year doesn’t actually mean that much in terms of courses. the only thing that may get in your way is if the course needs you to have completed 14.0 FCEs already; i’ve seen that on a few 4th-year courses. if that’s a requirement, it willbe listed on the course calendar under the course you’re interested in.
but if you meet all the prereqs,?you shouldn’t have any problem enrolling. well, i mean, as long as you’ve sharpened your spear and prepared your suit of armour so you’re ready to do battle with thousands of other students?on your start day/time. can’t be a lily-livered sop on the day of enrolment and expect to get a spot in your classes.
*i have lived a fifth of a century now and i still laugh at that #susanalbumparty thing. maturity is an illusion.