• courses,  enrollment

    ‘fourth year’ is a fluid term

    Hi 🙂

    I know course enrollment is still a few weeks away, but I’ve got a question about enrolling. I want to enroll in a class that requires 4th years status. I’ll be going into my fourth-year at U of T, however, because I failed a few classes, even after taking classes this summer session, I’ll be 0.5 credit short by September. I was wondering if this would affect my class choices for second semester. Would ROSI reject my enrollment and still consider me third year when trying to enroll for second semester, even though by second semester I’ll have the right amount of credits?

    Should I just try to sign up for that class second semester?

    Sorry if this is confusing. Thanks for your help.


    hey there,

    from the calendar: ‘ “First Year?, ?Second Year?, etc.: Sequences of courses are given as guides, but need not be followed in the exact order listed, provided all pre- and co-requisites are observed.‘ my motto is: if the calendar says it, it’s gospel.

    basically, despite people who love lording it over younger students how “mature” and “experienced”* they are, your year doesn’t actually mean that much in terms of courses. the only thing that may get in your way is if the course needs you to have completed 14.0 FCEs already; i’ve seen that on a few 4th-year courses. if that’s a requirement, it willbe listed on the course calendar under the course you’re interested in.

    but if you meet all the prereqs,?you shouldn’t have any problem enrolling. well, i mean, as long as you’ve sharpened your spear and prepared your suit of armour so you’re ready to do battle with thousands of other students?on your start day/time. can’t be a lily-livered sop on the day of enrolment and expect to get a spot in your classes.



    *i have lived a fifth of a century now and i still laugh at that #susanalbumparty thing. maturity is an illusion.

  • enrollment,  UTM

    course payments make my head spin

    I’m trying to get into an S summer course. I’m the first person on the waitlist. This is my own fault because I didn’t enroll sooner. Today is actually the last day to pay the minimum fee to register. On important dates, it says that July 4th is when they will start to charge late registration fees. But the waitlist for S summer courses ends July 13! My question is will I have to pay late reg fees if I get into my course after July 4th?


    hey there,

    heads up guys, it’s REALLY HELPFUL if you tell me what school you’re at before giving me your question. since i’m a top sleuth, i’m pretty certain you’re a UTM student, but i can’t be sleuthing all the time. detectives get tired, you know.

    i can’t find any evidence that today was the last day to pay minimum registration fees, so i’m just gonna have to trust you on that. also, this is all assuming you’re not in any other courses for the summer.

    if you have already paid and are registered, i would assume that you shouldn’t be charged those late registration fees, regardless of when and if you get put into the course. however, i can’t find any concrete information from UTM about it, so it’s best to contact them.

    if you haven’t paid yet, you’ll probably be financially cancelled, in which case you wouldn’t be able to enrol in courses at all. if this is the case, then you should definitely call your registrar’s office as soon as it opens tomorrow and ask if you can still pay and what the consequences will be.



  • enrollment,  ROSI,  subject POST

    learning the ancient tongue of ROSI

    Im entering my second year at uoft and I applied for criminology and equity studies. On ROSI it shows that I have requested to be in criminology but on the home page it says I’m invited so Im confused about how do I accept the invitation when it does show me where. And for equity studies its open but it says the session date is summer 2014 and I have been financially cancelled. Also my course enrolment is open but won’t let me enter courses.


    hey there,

    in a rare and surprising turn of events, your concern is actually not a concern at all! ROSI uses pretty confusing terminology at times, but for you – lucky you – everything is going as it should be.

    if it says invited on the home page under Registration – Fall 2014 (and Winter 2015), that means you’re invited to continue your degree in the Fall, which is good. you do wanna keep going in the Fall, right?

    being invited to a subject POSt is a separate thing. the results for type 2 and 3 POSts shouldn’t be out until july 2nd, so it should still say requested for criminology. go back and check again under the ‘subject POSts’ tag on july 2nd – if you’re invited, there’ll be a button to accept. easy-peasy!

    the current session is Summer 2014, so if you’re financially cancelled, that just means you don’t have to pay any registration fees and whatnot for the summer. if you’re not taking any summer courses, that’s what it should say.

    since equity studies is a type 1 POSt, you should have been just automatically enrolled in the subject POSt. it should say ‘active’ for equity studies under the ‘subject POSts’ tab on your ROSI.

    and course enrollment for Fall 2014/Winter 2015 hasn’t started yet, so that would make sense. while you wait, take this opportunity to rest up and gather your strength before the bloodthirsty warfare that is course enrolment begins.



  • enrollment,  psychology,  subject POST


    Hello aska

    I just checked the results of the subject post on rosi. I got refused by all specialist, major and minor of psychology… I thought I could be invited by at least psy minor, so that I would have priority when enroling courses in jul.
    Here’s my question: if I I don’t have priority, is it hard to enroll those psy courses I need to reapply specialist next year?



    geez man, i’m sorry about that. if it helps, psychology is by far the most popular subject POSt in the Faculty of Arts & Science (based on the completely legitimate and scientific fact that aska feels like she gets asked about psych more than any other subject POSt), so you were facing a lot of competition.

    PSY201H1 and 202H1 have P enrolment controls and might be tricky to get into, but if you go on ROSI as soon as the priority lifts, you just might manage it. also, STA220H1 and 221H1 meet the same requirement and have no enrolment controls.

    assuming you took PSY100H1 (which, i mean, how else would you have applied for the POSts this year?) you only have one more 200+ level PSY FCE to worry about. i know it’s a bit daunting that they all have at least a P control, BUT there are lots of PSY courses at the 200-level. there’s bound to be one that doesn’t fill up in the priority period, right? right??

    i think you’ll be okay. however, i would come up with a couple contingency plans, just in case ROSI decides to play the big villain on the day of your course enrolment.



  • enrollment,  registration,  UTM


    Hi, I was just wondering how do you know if you’ve successfully enrolled at utm? I’m pretty sure I have but I want to double check…


    hey there,

    i’m not sure what exactly you’re asking, so i’m just gonna answer every interpretation of the question i can think of and cover all my bases.

    if you mean, “how do i know if i’m enrolled in courses?” then: course enrolment at UTM doesn’t start until july 3rd for first-years – you can see your start time for enrolment beginning on June 27th. course enrolment has already started for all other years.

    in both cases, you enrol in courses online through ROSI. ROSI will tell you if you’re successfully enrolled in each course as you enrol in it.

    if you mean, “how do i know if i’m registered at the school?” then: if you’re a first-year student, all you’ve gotta do is accept your offer on OUAC and pay or defer your fees by August 19th. if you’re a returning student, make sure to enrol in subject POSts (if applicable) by August 29th, pay minimum meal plan/rez fees by August 15th, and pay or defer your school fees by August 19th.

    regardless of your year, your status appear on ROSI as “invited” starting about the beginning of july, until you make the minimum tuition fee payment, and then it will appear as “registered.”



  • enrollment,  subject POST

    getting around those pesky enrolment controls

    Unfortunately, I missed the deadline for enrolling in a subject post and am a little worried that this will hurt my course selection come August. I am aware of the second enrollment window, but it seems that you wouldn’t be informed of your acceptance until September. Any ideas on what I can do to ensure I can enroll in my preferred classes for the first semester next year?
    Thanks for the help! It’s greatly appreciated.


    hey there,

    i’m assuming by the fact that you’re referring to the first and second windows that you’re talking about a type 2 or 3 POSt. look at me, inferring stuff. what a lil genius. *pats self on back*

    unfortunately, there’s not much you can do at this point. if some of the courses that are relevant to that POSt?don’t have a priority or restricted enrolment control, then you can definitely enrol in them while your subject POSt is still requested. as for P-controlled courses, you can wait until the priority period ends and then try your best to get in. with restricted courses, you just gotta for when/if you make it into the POSt.

    you can swing by the department that administers the POSt and see if there’s anything else they might be able to do for you, but that’s about it for aska’s arsenal of tips & tricks.

    best of luck,



  • courses,  enrollment,  graduation

    graduating has NEVER BEEN EASIER!

    Hi aska
    Every time I try to sign up for a required course for my majors on ROSI it’s already full. I’m worried that I might not make it into the course. My plan is taking the full fall/winter next year, summer, then fall and graduate November. That means I’m planning for the coming year to be my last full year, so what should I do if the courses i need to graduate are all full again? Is the waiting list the only option? It would really suck to have to take another year just for a half course.



    hey there,

    the good news is that since you’re in your fourth year, you’ll now have the best possible chance of getting into the courses you want. fourth year students begin enrolling july 3rd this year – that’s a full twenty days ahead of first years! ideally, it should be easier than ever for you to get the courses you need.

    however, if it ends up that you still have issues getting into courses you need in order to graduate, and you don’t get in on a waiting list, then you i’d recommend that you go to your college registrar’s office. they are sometimes able to help graduating students with getting into the courses they need.

    however, that should be a last resort, not the first thing you try. first, make sure that you plan out which courses you want to take, and are ready to start enrolling in courses fifteen minutes before your start time. if you do that, hopefully, there shouldn’t be too many problems with getting into your required courses.

    best of luck,


  • courses,  enrollment

    kin you do it?

    Could you tell me a little about the kinesiology program at u of t? ive heard that if you want to become a PT it can be difficult bc kin students have low priority when it comes to choosing classes and they dont get to take the classes they need as prereqs. im kind of worried as I want to study PT in the states after u of t


    hey there,

    i certainly can! now, i don’t know if you’re planning on transferring or you’re still in high school, but you seem not to be familiar with the different faculties at uoft, so i’m just gonna quickly explain how they work over here. basically, most undergrad programs are administered by the faculty of arts & science. ignoring prereqs and enrolment controls, courses in artsci are kind of a free-for-all: you can take any course within the faculty.

    however, kin is administered by the faculty of kinesiology, and according to page 8 of their course calendar, most of the courses you take will be ‘KPE’ courses – that is, courses administered by the faculty of kinesiology. students in artsci must “petition for permission to register in the course for degree credit” if it’s outside of their faculty. meaning that when you’re in kin, the courses you’re required to take are the ones you’ll be taking, basically, since kin students are the only ones who have easy access to those courses.

    when you graduate, you’ll be graduating with a B.KIN. from the faculty, which will have included courses almost exclusively about kinesiology and work placements. if you want to study pt in the states, i’d say this is a great degree to start with, though of course, i encourage you to see for yourself whether the degree is for you.*



    *I wanted to test for myself how suitable the B.KIN. is for someone interested in a Doctor in Phyical Therapy (which I’m presuming is what you’re interested in?) so I picked a school at random from the wikipedia list of schools that offer that degree, and took a look at their entry requirements; the B.KIN. provides all those courses as part of its degree, as far as i can tell.

  • courses,  enrollment

    the criminal elite

    Hi Aska
    I think I am kind of interested in Criminology. But I checked that intro to Criminology has a R code and its prerequisite is: Open to students in the Criminology program. Does that mean I have no chance to enroll this course at all?



    Hey there,

    Ahh, I?m sorry my friend. Unfortunately, the R enrolment control is pretty inflexible. If a course has an R enrolment code, then it is ?restricted to a specific group of students at all times,”?which basically means that if you are not in criminology, you can kiss that course goodbye.

    Sorry. You could always just hang around shady street corners at night and observe knife crime. I?m kidding. Please don?t do that. Always walk with a buddy at night.



  • enrollment

    a propos starting times

    Hi there,

    I was recently accepted to the St. George campus for Social Sciences. I was?browsing the Arts & Science website for newly admitted students (I know,?I’m a nerd) and I came across this?page<http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/newstudents/courses/dates> listing?dates for course enrolment, among other things. I have a few questions:

    1. How are start times assigned (random or a certain order)?
    2. It says that the first date for first-year students is July 30th, but is?it possible that my start time will fall on a different date?
    3. What will happen if I am not available at my start time?

    I know it’s still pretty far away, but I’m planning a trip around that time?so I was just wondering.



    Hey there,

    You are nOT A NERD FOR BEING EXCITED ABOUT/THINKING ABOUT UNIVERSITY! I know there?s a culture here on askastudent of gently teasing people who are a bit too anxious about university (there?s even a category on this blog called ?keeners?), but hey, that?s all it is, is teasing.

    In fact, before you know it, you are going to begrudge university like all the rest of us, so be excited while you can. And hey, you?ll probably be a lot better prepared for university than your friends.

    Alright, questions:

    1. Start times are assigned based on what year you?re in, and they?re usually a couple days apart. So fourth year students go first, then a couple days later, third years, then second years, then first years, then non-degree/part-time peeps. I know that?s SUPER UNFAIR, but hey, you?ll be grateful for it when you?re in fourth year.
    2. Unfortunately, if the site says July 30th is your start date, that?s your start date. Keep checking that page though, because they should publish a specific time in the day when you can start enrolling, probably sometime in the summer.
    3. Nothing official will happen; you?ll just have to enrol into your courses when you get a chance. I?d strongly advise that you start enrolling in courses right at the start time though (if there is ANY WIFI where you?re going on your trip, just take out like 15 minutes to do course enrolment), because the longer you wait, the more likely it is that the courses you want to get in will be full. But if you absolutely cannot do it at the start time, it?s not the end of the world.



  • architecture,  enrollment,  first year

    uoft tryna control my enrolment decisions

    I’m in first year Architecture, and when I go to sign-up for other courses?(specifically FAH230H1, CSC108H1, and CSC148H1) it tells me: You do not fit?in any enrolment category. There are 350 total spaces in the meeting?section. What exactly does this mean?


    hello. this is an old question. if you?d like to see why i am answering these BLASTS FROM THE PAST, please go?here! thanks!



    hey there,

    oh look! a useful question. been a while since i’ve seen one of those around. #shade (i’m just kidding. your questions are all that keep me from my lonely, existential contemplations).

    well, my friend, the thing about university is that everyone is in different programs. and that’s not just an arbitrary thing that happens so that some people (*cough* engineers) can feel superior to others. it actually means something it terms of enrolment, and what it means is that some classes have “enrolment controls.”

    classes with enrolment controls limit enrolment to people in certain programs. for example, FAH230H1 is limited to Fine Arts majors, minors, specialists and Visual Studies specialists. you can take a look at the enrolment controls for CSC108H1 and CSC148H1 here and here.

    what this basically boils down to is that, unfortunately, you can’t take those courses because you’re not in any of those programs. what you can do instead is try to find similar courses without any enrolment controls, like CSC104H1?, CSC120H1, FAH101H1??or FAH102H1. i know, it’s unfair. life is unfair. here’s a cat to make up for it:

    henri le chat party mix



  • courses,  enrollment

    this title about adding courses in the Winter term is going to be just as long if not longer than the actual answer itself


    I know that you are allowed to drop courses before the deadlines but am I allowed to add a new course in the beginning of the winter semester? Thank you.


    hey there,

    the last day to add courses or otherwise make changes with your S courses is January 19th in the Faculty of Arts & Science. So go on, quick! Add!


  • enrollment

    waitlists and priority — aka the other times the timetable is useful

    Hi there. I hope this message reaches you all in the best of health.

    I am facing a current dilemma in my course selection. I would appreciate any advice or tips. Two courses which I attempted to enroll during my start time did not permit me to do so because “no meeting sections with space are available.”

    1. NML110Y1 (Arabic) is a small class (25 total spaces in each meeting section) which is giving priority for NMC majors (I am not one). Currently, I am not allowed to enroll in it. It says I do not “fit in any enrollment category.” Currently, I am lost at what option to excercise. I do not know whether these sections are full or not. Is it possible if you could tell me if that is indeed the case? If so, is there a waiting list or something of that nature which I could rely upon in order to get into this course before or after August 8th?

    2. SOC212H1 (Crime and Devience). ROSI tells me that I do not? “fit in any enrollment category.” Currently, I do not know whether the meeting sections for this course is full or not. As far as I am aware, there is no priority enrollment for this course. Is it possible if you could tell me if that is indeed the case? If so, is there a waiting list or something of that nature which I could rely upon in order to get into this course before or after August 8th?

    Am I overreacting by thinking that all is done and all my hopes are obliterated or should I be thinking about Plan B already? Any pointers or course of action which I should take would be much appreciated.

    All the best.


    Hey hey


    1. NML110Y, as you know, is a course that gives priority to certain groups of students. This means that you basically won’t have any access to it at all until August 8.

    The only way you can possibly get around this priority is by joining one of these groups: either the major or specialist programs of the Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations (General) — which, luckily for you, are both Type 1 programs.

    However, since the enrolment category is P*, that little asterisk means that there’s only a certain number of spaces allotted to each enrolment group.

    So what does this mean??If you want to get around the P, hurry up and do it now.

    2. ?For SOC212H, no, there is no priority control, so I’m not sure where you’re having difficulty…

    You know you can actually check spaces in a course on ROSI right? Provided, of course, that there’s no enrolment control on them. But I looked SOC212H up on my own ROSI and I can assure you that the two F term lecture sections have waitlists. But finding out whether or not a waitlist is available is totally doable through the timetable too.

    Anyway, as of right now, July 29, 2013 at 11:20 AM, there’s still room in fall one on Wednesdays.

    Now are you overreacting to think “all [your] hopes are obliterated”?

    Obliterated is such a strong word.

    Can’t get into a course? Meh. Welcome to UofT. But I highly doubt this is your last year of university, so if there’s no hope for right now, then just wait for next year. But these courses seem to have waitlists, so if need be, just join them.

    So for now, add SOC212H. That’s something you can do. And then after that, sit tight and wait around for August 8.

