I’m at UTM in the CCIT program, going into 3rd year starting September 2014, and looking at different courses I can take. There is a course that I’m interested in, but it has two 200 level prerequisites, one of which I have already completed, but one remaining. What can I do to take this course? (Like are we expected to plan out our 3rd year while planning out the 2nd year? Had I had the prerequisites in mind last year while picking courses, I would’ve enrolled in it earlier) So what can I do now? Am I supposed to take the 200-level course while in 3rd year? Or should I just Let it Go and pick something else?? Please help, thanks.
Fyi:The course I want to take is CCT310H Mass Communication and Popular CultureIt’s prerequisites are; CCT204H5, CCT210H5
hey there,
first of all, i just wanna indulge myself for a moment and say that this is a lovely question because it’s so clear. you gave me all the relevant information. go you! i guess that’s what happens when you’re in a communication program*.
secondly…well, obviously you can’t anticipate everything, but yeah, i’d say it’s generally a good idea to have a running plan of your four years at school, right from the very beginning. i, for example, have a snazzy word document on my laptop full of highlighted and linked information that sketches out what i’m planning to do for the rest of my academic future. but, you know. maybe i just have too much time on my hands.*
i understand that these things happen. new courses pop up, or you change interests and focuses, and all of a sudden you realize you can’t take this or that class because of prereqs. what do you do now? well, i’d suggest taking the course you’re missing in the summer session, but it’s too late to register now.
the next option would be taking the prereq in fall and 310 in winter, since they’re both half-courses, but unfortunately, the 310 course is only offered in the fall term. however, i don’t think there’s any great harm in taking the 200-course this year, and 310 in your fourth year. if you really want it, that is.
otherwise, you can just find another course. it’s really up to you, man. i can’t tell you what courses to take. and that’s probably a good thing. if i could, i’d probably just make everyone take courses in my department so it’d get more funding, or something equally sinister and conniving.
all the best,
*scratch the maybe. i definitely do. it’s a problem.