First of all I’d like to say that this website is SUCH a good idea. There has been lots of info that I couldn’t find via the UofT homepage by using the ‘search’.
Today however, I just have THREE questions.
1. How the hell do I switch colleges? Mine is B-O-R-I-N-G! I want to switch to either Vic or Trinity. Why you ask? Because they are more along my atmosphere.
2. How/where do you get information about sororities at U of T?
3. How do you become a member of a sorority?
now I’m not saying she’s a gold digger…
which college is the richest? =)
a question as old as time
this is probably a simple question but it has beeen on my mind of late. If I am accepted to one college does that mean that I am only limited to courses in that college or can I attend courses offered in other colleges.
which college reigns supreme?
i was wondering about colleges? why is each specific college important to my choice as an arts and science student?