religion,  residence

walking around naked helps

hi there. i was expecting that they place me into one of the coed dorms but they said there wasnt any space available so i am placed in a religious all-female dorm… this really sucks because im not religious and im a complete party girl. im very annoyed…. will my life suck?..

damn. i hope not.
that sucks it. i appologize on behalf of the system.
um….well, then, let’s see. you can make friends outside of rez at things like frosh week and in classes. in fact, though it’s a little bit longer term, i don’t really hang out (now that i’m in third year and living on my own) with many people from residence. they just didn’t become the bulk of my social group i guess. there are tons of opportunities to hook up with people (both male and female) other than your living space. and besides, it’s unlikely that you’re the only person who got dumped into religious hell. you’ll find like minded souls, and you’ll share the immediate bond of hating where you’re living.
i wouldn’t sweat this too much. you’ll still find a whack of kids to chill with, regardless of where the system stuffed you. and it’s only for a year. everything will be cool.

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