I was just wondering if you can still live on residence even if you are suspended for a year? Because I keep getting emails saying my housing application is incomplete and to complete it by a certain date etc. So now I am thinking of living on residence (If i am allowed to) and working for a year, since I can’t seem to find a place to live in the area for the September year…please help! (I am from UTM)
Thank you!
Hey hey
Uhhhhhhhhh I want to give you one big fat firm no but I’ve come to realize nothing at this bloody university is ever black or white. Instead, I’m going to give a 99.9% sure no.
Or well. Just no. Yeah. No. No residence for you.
The goddess of logic tells me since dorms are student residences and you are not technically a student, then nay, you’re just getting emails but they’re not relevant to you.
And if you can’t find a place right now, give the housing search (no longer available) a try! Or Craigslist. Or random google searches.